Pathways Internal Coordinator (shared/shadow role)

Location:From home role with XR UK (UK Wide)
Hours per week:5-9
No. spaces available:1
Meeting Time:Wednesday 12-1.30pm plus other daytime meetings tba
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:Weekly meeting as above plus around 4 hrs/wk shadowing the current IC in other meetings
Essential Skills:Project management experience; good organisational, planning and communication skills.
Desired Skills:XR experience; familiarity with zoom (but don't worry - we can show you)
Accessibility considerations:You will need a computer with a stable internet connection. If you're hard of hearing (closed captions can be used in meetings) or visually impaired, then online meetings may be a barrier.

The role of Internal Coordinator is to steward the team's immediate and longer-term priorities, and to align its work with XRUK Strategy and the priorities of the parent circle (Operations).

You would shadow and be fully supported into the role by the current Internal Coordinator, picking up tasks and skills as time progressed.

In time you will:

  • Suggest roles and projects the team needs to fulfill its purpose.
  • Monitor the work of the team and sub-teams; assess progress against priorities
  • Support the role-holders and work of the sub-circles with their needs (e.g. resolving blocks etc)
  • Invite people with relevant skills and abilities to join the team as required. Onboard, induct and orient new members into the team.
  • Maintain an awareness of what is happening in the wider movement, and communicate regularly with the team's External Coordinator.
  • Support any admin needed to be carried out for the circle

This role is being advertised by the following working group:


Location: XR UK (UK Wide)

Pathways is a team which helps maximise the number of people becoming active in XR UK. We want to welcome and harness the potential of all our wonderful volunteers!

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