Actions Supporter helper

Group:XR Midlands
Location:From home role with XR Midlands
Hours per week:2-4
No. spaces available:1
Meeting Time:none
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule: Meeting or speaking on secure channels once per week to coordinate support for Local Groups planning actions and events
Essential Skills: Ability to use Zoom & signal; having attended actions/events in a Local Group context; understanding of XR ways of working, our Principles & Values and our demands; enthusiasm and energy for the XR Project
Desired Skills: Document and Spreadsheet (Googledocs, XRUK cloud, cryptpad); having planned actions/events in a Local Group context.
Accessibility considerations: This role is entirely remote and online, which means it may be more accessible to some people, although not everyone my be able to work online.

This role is to help and support the Midlands Actions Supporter in their work.

The Midlands Actions Supporter supports Local Groups to develop and deliver the 'end of month' actions as part of the XR UK 2023/24 strategy.

It is very likely these actions will be 'non-spicy' ie very low/no risk of arrest, therefore supporting them would be considered equally low risk.

Commonly these actions are aimed at growing the movement, building alliances and mobilising around local issues, such as air/water pollution, infrastructure expansions, protecting local woodlands, accountability of local politicians/institutions etc.

It may involve attending planning meetings held by local groups and supporting them according to their needs - this may be helping them there and then, or signposting them to resources, or asking the Midlands Actions Supporter for further help if needed.

This role will be flexible to suit the capabilities of the volunteer.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

XR Midlands

Location: XR Midlands

XR Midlands is the widest circle of the Midlands, comprising two main subcircles: Midlands Local Group coordinators and Midlands Regional Working Groups circle. It exists to support Midlands Rebels and provide a connection to UK-wide circles, especially the Rebel Hive.

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