Internal Coordinator - Disabled Rebels Network

Group:Disabled Rebels Network
Location:From home role with XR UK (UK Wide)
Hours per week:2-4
No. spaces available:2
Meeting Time: Bimonthly - alternate Saturdays and Sundays - 3.00-4.30pm
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule: To attend the bimonthly meetings when possible.
Essential Skills: Good communication, ability to support and work with the members of the group.
Desired Skills: Knowledge of inclusive practice: to be providing solutions that consider all members and supporters as a positive step towards a holistic, universal system of engagement and participation.
Accessibility considerations: Zoom for online meetings.

Please view the Disabled Rebels Network [DRN] working group on the XRUK Organism:

DRN Mandate

Internal Coordinator Mandate This can be a shared role to help spread the workload.

The team is achieving its purpose set out in the team mandate.
- Stewarding the team’s immediate and longer-term priorities, and supporting team members to achieve those priorities.
- Suggesting roles and projects the team needs to fulfil its purpose.
- Maintaining an awareness of what is happening in the wider organism, e.g. through regular conversations with the External Coordinator.
- Attending meetings of the super-team and bringing relevant information back if the External Coordinator is not able to.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

Disabled Rebels Network

Location: XR UK (UK Wide)

XR Disabled Rebels Network exists to ensure that disabled activists and the disabled community are supported to take part in all aspects of Extinction Rebellion UK (XRUK). XR Disabled Rebels Network intends to support Disabled Rebels’ pursuit of making XR an inclusive movement. Inclusive practice is the responsibility of the entire movement and not the responsibility of the XRDRN.

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