Systems and Cultures External Coordinator

Group:Systems and Cultures Circle
Location:From home role with XR UK (UK Wide)
Hours per week:5-9
No. spaces available:2
Meeting Time:Mondays 12.00PM-2.00PM; Wednesdays 10.00AM-12.00PM; Fridays 10.00AM-12.00PM
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:Weekly: 1 x Systems & Cultures meeting; 2 x Hive meetings meetings (please see description below)
Essential Skills:Good communication skills, some knowledge of the movement
Desired Skills:Some knowledge of the work of S&C; flair for organising and getting administrative stuff done
Accessibility considerations:All meetings are on Zoom. Closed-captions will be enabled on zoom calls; Role sharing welcome; We encourage applications from marginalised groups.

Systems & Cultures is looking for an External Coordinator or Co-External Coords to share the role

The role of the Systems & Cultures External Coordinator (S&C EC) is to be a link between the Hive and the S&C circle, so it's vital that you can attend these meetings (role sharing is encouraged).

S&C meets on Wednesdays 10.00-12-00.
The Hive meets twice a week, on Mondays 12.00-2.00, and Fridays 10.00-12.00. If necessary, the EC has the option to prioritise the Hive's Friday meeting (which is for governance), and catch up on Monday meetings via the minutes or the recording of the meeting.

Please note that we encourage sharing for this role. We can also arrange a shadowing period, for you to grow into your role.

The role will suit someone who is familiar with different areas of the movement, who is organised and a great communicator.

Accountabilities include:

  • Representing the mandate of S&C at Hive meetings.
  • Communicating the plan and work of the Hive to S&C.
  • Reporting on the health of the team to the Hive.
  • Taking issues that can’t be resolved in the team to the Hive.
  • Exchanging information with other teams (but not our sub-circles) when needed.

See the full role mandate in XR Organism

S&C's EC has a voting seat on the Hive and the role is a real opportunity to have an impact on the circle and the wider movement.

We are committed to instilling a regenerative culture in our ways of working and encourage job sharing for this role.

Systems & Cultures Circle in XR Organism

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

Systems and Cultures Circle

Location: XR UK (UK Wide)

XR rebels across the UK have the systems that we need to be able to work for our Demands. Rebels are nurtured by cultures that embody our Principles and Values.

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