Data Analysis & Insights

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The Data Analysis & Insights Group supports evidence-based decision-making across XR UK. It divides in two: A Data Analytics team automates capture of the sort of data that a large decentralised organisation produces - email lists, website traffic, media posts, sign-ups and donations. It then provides insights: especially, which activities generate the widest engagement? A Data Research team finds and reviews data on evidence-based protest and conducts studies on e.g. media coverage of XR UK "actions", and participation in, and public attitudes to, protest. XR UK is now 5 years old. We need to take our membership to the next level, measuring it as we do so! And as a General Election approaches, we will be analysing qualitative and quantitative data on public attitudes to climate and environmental issues. What we need: All kinds of people really! But especially Data- and Social scientists. Feeling like you could help? Please contact: feedbacklearnignxr@gmail

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