XRUK Talks & Training coordinates talks, training and workshops for the movement upon request, and we proactively organise talks, training and workshops across the movement. Our other roles consist of collating and cataloguing talk, training and workshop materials from across the movement, making training...
The Stewarding Group coordinates stewarding for XR events and actions. Part of Action Support, Stewarding is primarily involved in ensuring the safety of everyone at XR events and actions. We provide training for Stewards and advice for action planners. We have a pool of volunteer stewards and manage...
Purpose A self perpetuating system grown through community, ferocious love and genuine courage which sustains the understanding,exploration, development, training and sharing of regenerative practices. Regenerative cultures are embedded as the default cultural system, that nurtures all life.
The Elections Campaign group connects with 2023/24 strategy to ‘transform the political system’ ... and mobilise voters behind a demand for urgent action on the CEE, the repairing of the ongoing damage and ensuring responses are fair and equitable for all communities and all levels of society... ‘through...
Action Support Circle is built of Stewards, AWB, ENV, XR Rhythms, Protest Liasion, Actions Outreach, Production, Access and Inclusion, A/LS. Holding (i.e. gathering and preserving) the expertise and experience gained through planning & carrying out actions Applying that expertise and experience...
The Northern Irish branch of XR, i.e. the national and regional development group for Northern Ireland
We are the youth voice of the UK branch of the rebellion, promoting and empowering the agency of young people within the climate movement!
We create and share content from around XR, and on the climate and ecological emergency to influence rebels and new followers to raise awareness on the crisis and inform on actions.
The Justice Steering Group aims to help the movement to remove structural and practical barriers so that marginalised people can participate in XR UK as fully as they wish.
Purpose: To drive XR’s digital strategy, ensuring that we have secure and effective platforms to communicate and inform. Accountabilities: Providing digital support and documentation for XR individuals and groups Learning about digital needs, problems, and current solutions throughout XR Creating...
The UK Action Circle is responsible for formulating and implementing the UK actions strategy, in line with the UK movement strategy. The Circle exists to empower, support and equip rebels everywhere to carry out actions in a decentralised manner. Action Circle receives proposals for UK-wide actions...
XR Southwark is where Southwarkians go to have rebellious fun! We do lobbying, gardening, samba band playing ... and any new ideas are always welcome! Whatever skill you can bring, we'll find a place for it.
Very small. 20 members of which around 9 meet regularly, but all very enthusiastic with Actions and OR events. We have 4 Red Rebels and 4 or 5 Samba Band members who are linking with bigger bands outside the area. We are well organised and work together well around Yeovil where it is difficult to get...
What the Self Organising Systems group does. 1. Help to advise on SOS and find answers to any questions groups or rebels may have. 2. Coaching groups, new or long standing to help transition to "teal organisation", a more efficient and fulfilling way to work, in which individuals, the team and organism...
XR Scotland Outreach working group connects and supports local groups across Scotland with their outreach activities
Integration Group within XR Scotland. Responsible for assisting volunteers to find suitable roles within XR Scotland (or more widely if appropriate).
XR Scotland is the Scottish branch of the Global Extinction Rebellion movement.
XR Midlands is the widest circle of the Midlands, comprising two main subcircles: Midlands Local Group coordinators and Midlands Regional Working Groups circle. It exists to support Midlands Rebels and provide a connection to UK-wide circles, especially the Rebel Hive.
The group supports Extinction Rebellion’s first demand “Tell The Truth” about the climate and ecological emergency. We recognise the power of the media in influencing public opinion, and press for more and better coverage of the emergency, to achieve the widest public reach possible.
We are calling for a London Rent Strike to demand both immediate reform & lasting change, to bring our economy back in balance with people and planet. A London Rent Strike will mobilise and empower ordinary people to reclaim their political voice, and begin to understand our individual challenges...
XR London Development is a coordination team for the London Region, which is made up from local groups and working groups across Greater London.
We're a team of eight gardeners and their supporters. The gardeners support local groups by providing them with individualised advice, information and resources.
We design and organise training in XR's DNA - our strategy, story and structure. This training is super-essential for rebels to work towards a shared goals using similar tactics and our organisational structure.
XR Design Group offers design support for key XR campaigns and projects. We do this via Design Facilitators who find designers who are willing to give their time for free. Design Group prefers designers to be part of a team at the beginning of a project, this helps make the design an integral part...
Deep Water is a UK XR Campaign and Actions group, which aims to tell the truth about flooding and extreme weather caused by climate change.
Rydym yn gymuned o gymunedau o bob rhan o'r wlad sy'n ceisio ein orau i gyflawni ein 3 Galwad ac yn ymgorffori ein Egwyddorion a'n Gwerthoedd am byd gwell, cyfiawn - y byd y mae taer angen amdano arnom i ni ein hunain, ein cyd-fodau dynol a'r byd naturiol o'n cwmpas. We are a community of local groups...
XRUK wide Community Groups that come together to take Actions under groupings of profession, faith or interests e.g. XR Educators, XR Buddhists and XR Walkers
XR Catalysers focused on Internal disruption to shift people with high levels of influence and power to engage with the emergency at an emotional level. It's a mandated working group sitting with Political Circle.
Media and messaging for XR Bristol. We managed the social media, liaise with the press and work with actions in their messaging around the actions they design to maximise the effect of the actions of XR Bristol and influence the media narrative around those actions.
XR Bristol Integration is responsible for helping rebels to get more involved.
As writers and citizens, we have a duty to tell the truth about the climate and ecological emergency, and to galvanise actions to address it. Writers Rebel uses the power of words to claim a safer, fairer future for all the planet’s inhabitants – human and non-human. By engaging with our fellow...
Welcome to Extinction Rebellion [W2XR] online weekly talk on Tuesdays. The talk acts as an engagement tool as this may be the first point of contact with the movement. We ensure new joiners have a broad understanding of key information about the movement, i.e. the 3 Demands, 10 Principles & Values,...
We design, build and maintain the UK Website (extinctionrebellion.uk/).
Our aim is to establish clear, functional, and transparent self-organisation throughout XR UK, which inspires, equips, and supports people to work effectively together in a decentralised way, whilst also maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships and accountable use of power. In order to do that,...
As a team we write and edit the UK newsletters to help write and shape the narrative of XR, as it unfolds; to gather and share developments from around the UK and global community; to communicate useful information to membership; to inspire and embolden the movement, giving an overview of the movement’s...
The XRUK GDPR & Security team advise and assist XRUK groups in properly addressing data protection, and IT security in relation to XR UK data.
UK Creative Circle works with the UK Actions Circle and supports design and creativity across the movement. We work directly with the UK Arts Factory. The Arts Factory produces handmade banners, flags, patches and placards for UK actions and rebellions, working closely with Media & Messaging, the Design...
Purpose: To facilitate communication and collaboration between Affinity Groups, the other Action Support working groups, and the wider UK XR organism. To represent a perspective on current AG participation and availability. Accountabilities: To collaborate with other members of the UK Actions Support...
TRUST THE PEOPLE is a movement of community builders, open to everyone, sharing tools to help strengthen local communities. TTP was born in Extinction Rebellion's Future Democracy hub, but now extends far beyond, and works with other organisations across the UK also seeking to transform the world we...
Trust the People is a community engagement and democracy project, running a free 8-week online course
We are a small team who strive to encourage healthy ways of working that develop resilience and reduce the risk of conflict, but who find creative ways of tending to conflict when it does arise. We provide a 'holding space' for both interpersonal and systemic tensions that arise within the movement...
The Hive actively supports the Working Groups in Extinction Rebellion. Our aim is to empower and grow our movement while maintaining a decentralised focus. We facilitate collaboration between Regional and National groups across the UK. Our work of course brings us in direct contact...
XR rebels across the UK have the systems that we need to be able to work for our Demands. Rebels are nurtured by cultures that embody our Principles and Values.
As part of the Actions Support crew, Stewards keep people safe at Actions and provide information and help to attendees and the general public
SST is Strategy Stewardship. We work with the entire movement to co-design approaches to discovering and creating strategies that work.
South West Anchor Circle, regional representatives for all the XR local groups in Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset, Wiltshire and the Channel Islands.
The South-East regional group is committed to supporting the needs of Local Group rebels, across all working groups, by providing resources and trainings to empower rebels in meeting the Three Demands. We recognise the need for rebels to be heard, and believe regen can be embedded throughout all aspects...
A group that primarily makes sure that actions/events are supported with sound amplification to make spokespeople heard. Also creates sound systems to achieve that goal, plus supports events, festivals and gigs with sound and mixing equipment. See us on GlassFrog: https://xrb.link/CE6s5A
Self-Organizers is an autonomous circle working with XR and other activist groups to build a movement-of-movements. The focus of our work is internationalist, reaching out across the Global South, and North, in support of rebels to self-organize themselves.
Main responsibilities are the running of our websites and the management of our internal communications tools. We also advise on how to work and communicate securely within XR, and provide general IT support whenever we're in a position to help.
Holding an overview of XR UK's relationships with other groups. Forming and nurturing relationships that catalyse change
<p>One of XR’s key principles and values is to create a regenerative culture which is healthy, resilient and adaptable - both for individuals and teams within our movement and in wider society. A regenerative human culture cares for the planet and it cares for life in the awareness that this is the...
Bristol Regenerative Culture working group,
Rebellion Academy UK serves Extinction Rebellion groups by providing one platform for rebels to access up to date XR related training and find their ideal role within these groups. Why join the Rebellion Academy family? We have developed something really cool. A place of positivity for rebels and...
We provide support for rebels through complex conflicts to find new ways to work together.
The Rebel Support team protects rebels and teams from harmful behaviour.
Rebel Ringers are the 'phonebanking' wing of XR. We contact, inform and engage people about XR over the phone.
We find roles for rebels and rebels for roles. This is our website!
Rebels across the movement are supported in their creation and delivery of talks, training and workshops.
The Public Engagement Working Group is part of the Media And Messaging Circle. We reply to the public via emails and messages on XR Social Media. We moderate the commenting areas. We signpost people to places inside and outside XR UK. We aim to help people have a positive understanding of XR through...
The programming team are organising which performers and speakers will be present when in different areas of the Rebellion site.
Production & World Build Sits within the Actions circle and consists of 2 main areas of work: -Sound & Power: Providing mobile PAs and sound systems, solar power stations and stages (bringing the vibes to the Rebellion!) -Logistics: Coordinating the transport and handling of equipment and managing the...
Advocating the value and purpose of People’s Assemblies (PAs) as part of XR strategy, internally and externally: Supporting the introduction and practice of PAs as a deliberative and participatory collective process within XR centrally, regionally and internationally through trainings and co-facilitation
Pathways is a team which helps maximise the number of people becoming active in XR UK. We want to welcome and harness the potential of all our wonderful volunteers!
In conjunction with the SW movement circle, we are coordinating and supporting outreach and local group development efforts in the SW region
Implementing, through the collective decision of its subcircles, tactical plans to execute XRUK Strategy. Supporting its subcircles to fulfill their mandates and tactical plans through individual subcircle and build cross-circle projects. Supporting its subcircles in the decentralisation of its teams...
Movement Communications is currently a project group within XR UK Action Circle (although the structure and links to the rest of the movement are currently under review). Its main purpose is getting messages out on the Rebellion Broadcast
Facilitating effective and responsive communication across XRUK. Helping to maximise the impact of all activities by amplifying comms in a coordinated manner, and therefore assisting each UK team in promoting a coherent message via their output platforms. ‘Activities’ encompasses everything we do: rebellions,...
Tech team developing and maintaining the Movement Calendar and Actions Map. The team mandate is available here https://hub.extinctionrebellion.uk/xrgroups/group?id=1298&from=https%3A%2F%2Fhub.extinctionrebellion.uk%2Fxrgroups%2Fgroups%3Ft%3Dm%26dt%3D&dt=&tab=gMandate
Our group considers the economic and financial system in relationship to our climate and ecological emergency. We work to find stories and actions, partners and people to bring change in this area.
Midlands Outreach and Local Group Development work to bring new rebels into the movement and to support development and growth local groups within the Midlands region.
The Media & Messaging team acts as the public face/voice for the UK movement. While acting in service to the movement by providing communications for circles and working groups, they also develop and support UK actions and provide strategic direction on the overarching narrative in the UK.
Extinction Rebellion UK's Media and Messaging working group is responsible for XR UK's press, social media, live stream, video, photos, design, podcast & radio, and guidance on messaging. We are a small team with a huge workload and are always right in the middle of the action!
Mass Mobilisation means growing the movement. It means getting numbers through the door and on the streets. Our ambitious plan is to mobilise 100,000 people on the streets and create 200 more Local Groups by the next rebellion. We are doing what is necessary to bring together the numbers we need to...
We're in charge of everything related to Media & Messaging for the Midlands (social media, press, broadcast, newsletter...). We also help Local Groups promote their actions and events.
A group that is responsible for making the work of others possible that would be otherwise impossible! We operate mostly in London and do diverse work from storing and supplying items, to looking after assets like cargo bikes and giant sculptures. We see ourselves of the backbone of any rebellion.
Supporting new and existing Local Groups to flourish and function well. Two main focuses of this team is: Providing 'Gardeners' and/or direct support for each Nation or Region. We build close connections by visiting and communicating regularly with Local Groups. Curating the Rebel Toolkit to provide...
We help grow the movement in line with XR UK’s strategy by directly supporting existing Local Groups (LGs), and by working towards the creation of new LGs in cooperation with other UK-wide, regional and national teams.
When it comes to Telling the Truth, we believe that livestreaming is the future! Our live broadcasts on Facebook and YouTube rack up thousands of views and shares, sometimes rivalling those of mainstream media channels. Journalists even use segments from our streams, bringing to the fore actions and...
Specialist support for arrestees - liaising with solicitors -training for self defending arrestees -
We are a group, affiliated to XR, which supports the anti-HS2 campaign by providing back office support (support for arrestees). Most of our current volunteers are XR identifiable but we are seeking more.
A project group within the systems and culture circle that facilitates workshops across the movement designed to explore and develop healthy ways of working.
We update the UK Heading For Extinction talk and regularly release new versions of the slides for use by XR speakers.
This group raises money to help keep Extinction Rebellion UK functioning. This ranges from public fundraising, for example through email campaigns, to large donations through trusts and foundations.
The Finance Team (which sits in Compassionate Revolution) provides a number of services to the XR UK movement (e.g. managing the bank accounts and other financial services providers, making payments and processing expense claims, paying VLE and other payroll related services, publishing financial reports...
Finance and Fundraising is a dynamic group working to support the projects and campaigns of XR Bristol. A small group, we are responsible for maintaining accurate accounts, processing expenses, and ensuring fair and transparent spending of XR money. On the fundraising side, we are responsible for ensuring...
The XRUK Finance team look after all payments received, make payments to rebels, and share reports on all of that
Local XR Group in the North West of Wales. Part of XR Cymru Region.
We are Extinction Rebellion Cornwall for rebellion and rebels in Cornwall. We work across Cornwall, serve 4 local groups (XR North Cornwall, XR South East Cornwall, XR Mid Cornwall, and XR West Cornwall) and work with XR SW UK.
The Exeter Rebel Pathway Working Group helps rebels find roles in Exeter Local Working Groups
Nonviolence is one of the core principles which is non-negotiable for everyone who wants to take action under the name of XR. It forms part of the Rebel Agreement: ‘We engage in no violence, physical or verbal, and carry no weapons’. The creation of the Embedding Nonviolence circle was born out of...
XR East of England provides support to all local groups in the East of England — Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Cambridgeshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire.
XR Disabled Rebels Network exists to ensure that disabled activists and the disabled community are supported to take part in all aspects of Extinction Rebellion UK (XRUK). XR Disabled Rebels Network intends to support Disabled Rebels’ pursuit of making XR an inclusive movement. Inclusive practice...
The Dirty Water Campaign highlights the need for government and industry to act urgently to stop poisoning, and then start cleaning up coastal waters and waterways across the UK.
Purpose Millions of digital activists, reflecting the diversity of the population, are engaged, empowered and effectively taking action together to achieve the goals of the climate and environmental justice movement. Tearing down barriers and empowering all people, including those traditionally...
Digital Discussions Applications Team, part of UK tech, responsible for looking after the Hub and advising on other technical needs for XR.
The Data Analysis & Insights Group supports evidence-based decision-making across XR UK. It divides in two: A Data Analytics team automates capture of the sort of data that a large decentralised organisation produces - email lists, website traffic, media posts, sign-ups and donations. It then provides...
we are the anchor circle for all of the local XR groups in Cornwall
We’re a small group responsible for creating and launching the XR content platform (currently called Impossible) at the end of July.
Communities is a group with a wide mandate: we think of ourselves as the 'people people' of XR: the ones with the open arms bringing in and welcoming new people and helping them find their place. We support local groups and community groups and take the diversity of our movement very seriously - we...
The project is fully committed to a process of uncovering the systemic agreements that will transform our collective capacity and help us to address our responsibility to confront and unlearn the violence of racism and oppression to work towards our co-liberation and power-fullness.
The Citizens' Assembly Working Group (CAWG) within XR UK works to inform the movement and the general public about the Third Demand: a national citizens assembly for climate and ecological justice.
We support Local XR Groups in holding Community Assemblies and achieving their inclusion in local decision-making. In doing this, to: - Have built enduring local alliances for climate and ecological justice. - Have built agency, purpose and trust within local communities through Community Assembly...
Made up of the national Legal Support and Arrest Welfare teams, we aim to provide support to XR Arrestees before, during and after their arrest. We want every arrestee (potential or actual) to feel informed and empowered throughout their journey. This support can take the form of trainings, legal...
The XR Arrestee and Legal Support Team has supported thousands of rebels through the arrest and court process by providing pre-action trainings, legal briefings, a 24/7 phone support line during actions where arrests are expected, and post-arrest support.
<p>Administration profile. Use to post jobs as a recruiter or create ads on behalf of your clients.</p>
The team working to ensure that actions are well-equipped to communicate and connect with the public and to provide resources to welcome new people into XR
The team working to ensure that actions are well-equipped to communicate and connect with the public and to provide resources to welcome new people into XR. Accountabilities: Supporting national UK actions with teams to engage with the public; Coordinating outreach budgets and distributing resources...
Action Wellbeing is a UK working group. We take care of people on actions and include those who are First Aid qualified.
Action Wellbeing supports the physical and emotional wellbeing of everyone involved in XR actions. Look out for us in our blue hi-vis. In our teams we also have qualified First Aiders who wear green tabards. Action Wellbeing provide water, hand warmers and snacks (chocolate!), as well as a listening...
Action Support Circle is built of Stewards, AWB, ENV, XR Rhythms, Protest Liasion, Actions Outreach, Production, Access and Inclusion, A/LS. Holding (i.e. gathering and preserving) the expertise and experience gained through planning & carrying out actions Applying that expertise and experience...
1. A community of action planners from across the UK. 2. Consistent strategy, quality and messaging across all actions. 3. Efficient tactical coordination of UK-wide & UK-impact actions. 4. All the above in order to facilitate effective, well-run UK and local actions, in line with XR UK actions strategy.
Action Planning Circle is a group of representatives from the regional and national actions groups. We plan and create direct action across the UK.
Our group manages the Action Network email system for XR UK and XR International. We interface with community and local groups to help support them in creating and managing their email lists as well as creating email newsletters and campaigns.
Empowering and upskilling the movement to do action design via a community of action designers.
XR London is the widest circle of XR in London, and is made up of the London Anchor Circle, where all local groups are represented, and its subcircles - Actions, M&M, Alliances and Development team. It exists to support London Rebels and provide a connection to UK-wide circles, including the Rebel Hive.
Nonviolent action is about confrontation. By acting, we engage in conflict with others, intervening in their daily lives and disrupting them. This raises tension, which can increase the risk that somebody gets hurt. Nonviolent communication grants us the ability to engage with other people without causing...
Imagine what 100,000 people working together, peacefully protesting together in one place, could do. Would it be unstoppable? The 100 Days Campaign is working with a wide range of groups to bring people to the Houses of Parliament day after day in large numbers from 21st April 2023. It means we can...