XR Cymru (Wales)

Profile Company Picture

Rydym yn gymuned o gymunedau o bob rhan o'r wlad sy'n ceisio ein orau i gyflawni ein 3 Galwad ac yn ymgorffori ein Egwyddorion a'n Gwerthoedd am byd gwell, cyfiawn - y byd y mae taer angen amdano arnom i ni ein hunain, ein cyd-fodau dynol a'r byd naturiol o'n cwmpas. We are a community of local groups from across the Welsh nation taking action to achieve Extinction Rebellion's 3 Demands. We endeavor to embody our Principles & Values for the better, just world that we all so desperately need for ourselves, fellow humans and the natural world around us.

This Group's open roles


Talks and Trainings External Coordinator

From home role with XR Cymru (Wales).

Posted 11/06/2024

Time commitment of 2-4 hours per week.


Talks and Trainings Internal Coordinator

From home role with XR Cymru (Wales).

Posted 11/06/2024

Time commitment of 2-4 hours per week.


XR Cymru External Coordinator

From home role with XR Cymru (Wales).

Posted 16/05/2024

Time commitment of 10-15 hours per week.