Rebellion Academy UK

Profile Company Picture

Rebellion Academy UK serves Extinction Rebellion groups by providing one platform for rebels to access up to date XR related training and find their ideal role within these groups. Why join the Rebellion Academy family? We have developed something really cool. A place of positivity for rebels and supporters to access online trainings and resources, and find their ideal role in the movement. We didn’t expect there to be a lockdown when we started the project, but it has given rebels a place to prepare and act for the climate and ecological emergency - when we can’t gather in protest. In just three weeks since its launch we attracted nearly 700 users. Help us to keep them engaged, loved and happy...and attract more to the Academy. The really special part is our team. We love what we are doing for the cause. We listen to and respect each other. We enjoy getting stuff done and collaborating with other XR groups. And we have fun doing it.

This Group's open roles


Rebellion Academy Ideas Person

From home role with Rebellion Academy UK.

Posted 15/07/2024

Time commitment of 2-4 hours per week.