Principles and Values Advocate

Group:Systems and Cultures Circle
Location:From home role with XR UK (UK Wide)
Hours per week:2-4
No. spaces available:2
Meeting Time:Wednesday 10AM - 12PM
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:
Essential Skills:Clear communicator; good listening skills; keen to work with others
Desired Skills:Assimilating and analysing information; a deepening understanding of the Principles & Values
Accessibility considerations:We try to be as accessible as possible. Work is online and can be flexible. We try to accommodate as much as possible for differing time commitments etc.

This is an exciting opportunity to help XR rebels engage more deeply with the Principles and Values that underpin the movement. Working within the Systems and Cultures Circle (which sits in the Hive), the Advocate will focus on sharing their understanding of the XR Principles and Values (P&Vs or Ps&Vs for short) as different issues and considerations occur, helping the movement develop greater alignment to them.

Role description

The role is subject to election on a six monthly basis

Role mandate (links to the XR Organism: you may need to scroll down

This role involves work that includes:

  • attending the weekly Systems and Cultures (S&C for short) meeting and other circle meetings as appropriate;
  • passionately engaging with the XRUK Principles and Values;
  • understanding the P&Vs in relation to different aspects of XR work;
  • supporting S&C in developing an enhanced movement wide understanding of the P&Vs in relation to various aspects of XR work, including the way they underpin it; and
  • being willing and able to help S&C determine its response to particular XR actions when viewed against the P&Vs.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

Systems and Cultures Circle

Location: XR UK (UK Wide)

XR rebels across the UK have the systems that we need to be able to work for our Demands. Rebels are nurtured by cultures that embody our Principles and Values.

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