
Group:XR Midlands
Location:In-person role with XR Midlands
Hours per week:2-4
No. spaces available:1
Meeting Time:To be arranged with the Midlands Ttraining Team
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:
Essential Skills:Personable, organised
Desired Skills:Experience delivering training
Accessibility considerations:It is possible that some venues may not be easily accessible, although groups will probably try to avoid this.

We are looking for someone to join a small team offering training to local groups around the region and at regional events. Having some experience of XR ways of doing things is important and also having attended some of the most common trainings, such as Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA), Welcome to XR and Heading for Extinction talks. Training will be given, as well as on-going support in the role.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

XR Midlands

Location: XR Midlands

XR Midlands is the widest circle of the Midlands, comprising two main subcircles: Midlands Local Group coordinators and Midlands Regional Working Groups circle. It exists to support Midlands Rebels and provide a connection to UK-wide circles, especially the Rebel Hive.

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