XR Cymru External Coordinator

Group:XR Cymru (Wales)
Location:From home role with XR Wales
Hours per week:5-9
No. spaces available:1
Meeting Time:Monday 12:00-14:00, Tuesday 19:00-20:30, Friday 10:00-12:00
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:Weekly
Essential Skills:Communication and team working
Desired Skills:Knowledge of how XRUK's structure works
Accessibility considerations:Use of Zoom and XR comms platforms

Our External Coordinator is responsible for representing XR Cymru Rebels in the XRUK Rebel Hive alongside the other Nations and Regions of XRUK.

The role will include:

  • Attending the weekly XR Cymru Anchor Circle, and twice-weekly XRUK Rebel Hive meetings.
  • Keeping in touch with XR Cymru Local Group representatives to exchange information and understand the needs and opinions of Local Groups.
  • Articulating these needs to XR UK Working Groups in the XRUK Rebel Hive.
  • Helping the Internal Coordinator to maintain good circle health by reviewing sub-circles' work, offering help where needed and requiring them to fulfil accountabilities.
  • Representing the diversity of opinions in XR Cymru, but ultimately making a decision on how to best to do so.
  • Being guided by the Principles & Values and current XRUK and XR Cymru strategies when making decisions.
  • Encouraging a good understanding of how our Self-Organising System works.
  • Upholding the Hive’s mandate and purpose when making decisions.
  • If funds are a barrier, up to £400/month of Volunteer Living Expenses are available for this role depending on circumstances.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

XR Cymru (Wales)

Location: XR Wales

Rydym yn gymuned o gymunedau o bob rhan o'r wlad sy'n ceisio ein orau i gyflawni ein 3 Galwad ac yn ymgorffori ein Egwyddorion a'n Gwerthoedd am byd gwell, cyfiawn - y byd y mae taer angen amdano arnom i ni ein hunain, ein cyd-fodau dynol a'r byd naturiol o'n cwmpas. We are a community of local groups from across the Welsh nation taking action to achieve Extinction Rebellion's 3 Demands. We endeavor to embody our Principles & Values for the better, just world that we all so desperately need for ourselves, fellow humans and the natural world around us.

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